James Derulo's


About the Authors

About the Authors

Austin was baptized as an infant in an Eastern Orthodox church, and grew up in an ecumenical Christian household. Around the age of thirteen, he began to take his beliefs seriously, and was baptized again in a non-denominational church as a show of personal faith. In high school, Austin began to have doubts about certain tenets of his faith, and has since been engaged in an ongoing intellectual battle for the truth. While the core of his faith has been strengthened immensely through this process, several peripheral

beliefs have changed significantly. As a student of Chemical Engineering at Purdue University, Austin took part in several different research groups, exploring cutting edge fields such as renewable energy and nanotechnology. Since graduating, he has moved to Memphis, Tennessee to work as a Process Engineer at an acrylics plant, and is a member of an Evangelical Presbyterian church.

Steve was born into an evangelical family, though the spiritual traditions of his parents were fairly divergent. Throughout his childhood and into early adulthood, Steve had a deep interest in all things scientific - especially relating to cosmology - and the interplay between faith and science. This interest lead to independent reading of popular-level books on science, such as A Brief History of Time, as well as various books defending the Christian faith.

The book Miracles, by C.S. Lewis, had a profound effect on Steve's thinking. This was his first real foray into the world of philosophy. While attending Purdue, he took a course on logic in which the graduate instructor often presented fascinating conundrums and discoveries in the world of philosophy; this effectively doomed Steve to a life of almost incessant interest in all things philosophical (or almost all).
Steve holds a B.S. in acoustical engineering from Purdue and an M.S. in architectural acoustics (obviously both of these degrees lend themselves well to philosophy). He works independently as an acoustical consultant.


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